Welcome To My Totally Sweet Website!!!

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Screen Shot: Halo

  .Hello, I bid you welcome... this is MY website and if you dont like it well TOO BAD. If you are here you probly not gonna read this for to long so I'll hurry.

  • PAGE 1: current events/ home
  • PAGE 2: video game screen shots
  • PAGE 3: Funny Photos
  • Coming soon paint ball pictures!!!


Link to my freind's site (its about zip zaps)
Hi, I just made this site so I dont have a lot of stuff. Happy Birthday Nick!!!!

Pleeeaaaasssseeeeee Give Me Extra Credit Ms. Lancaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some of my Fav Video Games
This section of my site tells you all about the hottest games on the street right now. This game isnt exactly new but its still my all-time favorite... I'm talking about Halo on the Xbox platform. It gets an 8 out of 10 for graphics but it gets a 12 for game play, and I'll give it a 9 for story line. The 2nd game should be coming out in January.

Here's another great game for all systems; Smuggler's Run: WAR ZONES. This game gets about a 7 for graphics, but for gameplay it gets a 9, and for story line it gets a 7. (reviewed by gamecube)


New Incomings!!!
Wassup Y'all!!! for incomings I did some extensive research and I found out some things about the Brand-New Nitendo console the N5!!!(should hit stores around next summer) I couldnt get you a picture but it's gonna bee sweeeeet!!!
You can watch DVD's, attatch your gameboy to it, and there are no controller slots! The controllers are wireless and each systerm can house 8.

.The other new game that should be coming out this fall is Max Payne 2:THE FALL OF MAX PAYNE (LEFT).